Sunday 21 April 2013

The Walking Dead Of the Food Industry

Scary stuff about the GMOs . . .

GMOs: The Walking Dead of the Food Industry 
By 1WORLDCommunity @Karl Fabricius, 
Environmental Graffiti, 2013

Some startling facts and figures about genetically modified organisms, detailing everything from the global area covered by GMO crops and the percentage of US foodstuffs containing these “walking dead,” to their negative environmental impact and the astonishingly high proportion of some foods containing them.

Barangan menakutkan mengenai GMOs . . .

GMOs: Industri Makanan ‘Yang Berjalan Mati’

Beberapa fakta dan angka-angka yang mengejutkan mengenai organisma yang diubahsuai secara genetik, memperincikan segala-galanya daripada kawasan global dilindungi oleh tanaman GMO dan peratusan bahan makanan Amerika yang mengandungi ini "berjalan mati," untuk kesan negatif alam sekitar dan kadar yang menghairankan tinggi beberapa makanan yang mengandunginya.

GMOs: The Walking Dead of the Food Industry
Source: GMOs: The Walking Dead of the Food Industry

The editors at Guide to Nursing Degrees decided to research the topic of:

GMOs: The Walking Dead of the Food Industry

GMO: Genetically Modified Organisms engineered from DNA of different species of plant, animal, bacterial, and viral genes. (1)

- Global Area of GMO crops:170.1 million hectares (2)

- Area of Alaska: 171.7 million hectares (3)

- 70: percentage of items in American food stores containing GMOs (4)

- 0: percentage of items in American food stores containing GMOs prior to 1996 (5)

- 50: nations (including all EU countries) restricting or banning GMO production/sales (6)

- In the US: FDA ruled GMOs not significantly different from naturally occurring foods

- Approval based on studies conducted by GMO manufacturers themselves (6)

- 87: percentage of consumers who want foods containing GMOs to be labeled

- 53: percentage of Americans who would refuse to buy genetically modified food

- 80: percentage of conventionally processed food containing GMOs in the US - labeling not required

- GMOs are manufactured for herbicide tolerance, particularly to glyphosate (RoundUp). Some negative effects:

- Glyphosate builds up in the soil, contaminating it. (7)

- Weeds resistant to glyphosate develop, spawning super weeds. (7)

- 1: breeds of weeds resistant to glyphosate (ryegrass found in Australia) prior to 2010

- 6: US states where glyphosate-resistant weeds have been reported in the past three years (8)

- 1500%: increase in herbicide production since GMOs introduced (7)

- Signing of "Monsanto Protection Act" prevents government restrictions on GMO food found to cause health risks (6)

- One corn GMO type threatened to wipe out Monarch butterfly larvae by contaminating milkweed (8)

- "None of the genetically modified food crops currently on the market offer benefits to consumers in terms of price, nutrition, or new products." (8)

- Over 40 genetically modified crops are allowed to be sold in the US. (8)

- GMOs make it possible for allergens in one food type to emerge in a completely different species. (8)

- GMOs found to transfer genetically altered DNA into the DNA of bacteria living in the human stomach, reproducing indefinitely. (9)

- GMOs can contaminate existing species being grown organically. (9)

- GMO producers can actually sue farmers whose crops are infected by GMO contaminates for intellectual property theft. (9)

- As evidenced by the percentage of crops containing GMOs, producers like Monsanto have a virtual monopoly on the US farming industry. (10)

Top foods containing GMOs

- Sugar Beets (95% of US crop)

- Soy (94% of US crop)

- Canola (90% of US crop)

- Cotton (90% of US crop)

- Corn (88% of US crop) (9)


- (10)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

FOTO 2013: 'Anak-anak pelarian Syria membuang air dan lumpur dari khemah mereka selepas banjir di kem pelarian Zaatari Syria, berdekatan sempadan Syria di Mafraq, Jordan' . . .

IMEJ 2013: Anak-anak pelarian Syria membuang air dan lumpur dari khemah mereka selepas banjir di kem pelarian Zaatari Syria, berdekatan sempadan Syria di Mafraq, Jordan, Selasa, Januari 8, 2013. Pelarian di kem Jordan Syria menyerang pekerja bantuan dengan kayu dan batu pada Selasa, kecewa selepas kesejukan, lolongan angin menghanyutkan khemah-khemah mereka dan hujan lebat yang membanjiri jalan-jalan berlumpur semalaman. Polis berkata, 7 pekerja bantuan yang cedera.

Syrian refugee girls remove water and mud from their tent after a flood at Zaatari Syrian refugee camp, near the Syrian border in Mafraq, Jordan, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013. Syrian refugees in a Jordanian camp attacked aid workers with sticks and stones on Tuesday, frustrated after cold, howling winds swept away their tents and torrential rains flooded muddy streets overnight. Police said seven aid workers were injured. (AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon)

FOTO 2013: 'Pelarian Syria kelihatan di luar khemah mereka, di kem pelarian sementara di bandar timur Lubnan Marj berhampiran sempadan dengan Syria, Lebanon' . . .

IMEJ 2013: 'Pelarian Syria kelihatan di luar khemah mereka, di kem pelarian sementara di bandar timur Lubnan Marj berhampiran sempadan dengan Syria, Lebanon, Isnin, Januari 7, 2013. Pelarian Syria bekerja memperkukuhkan khemah mereka selepas mereka telah dibanjiri dan beberapa yang ditiup oleh hujan lebat dan angin kencang. Hujan lebat yang berat ditambah oleh salji di atas ketinggian sederhana dan angin tinggi memukul Lubnan menyebabkan bahan kerosakan, banjir dan memerangkap orang dalam kereta mereka. Terutamanya keras melanda beribu-ribu pelarian Syria yang melarikan diri ke Lubnan, sesetengah daripada mereka yang tinggal di khemah-khemah berhampiran sempadan dengan Syria.'

Syrian refugee boys look outside their tent, at a temporary refugee camp in the eastern Lebanese town of Marj near the border with Syria, Lebanon, Monday, Jan. 7, 2013. Syrian refugees worked on reinforcing their tents after they were flooded and some blown away by torrential rains and high winds. A heavy rainstorm coupled by snow on medium altitudes and high winds is hitting Lebanon causing material damage, flooding and trapping people in their cars. Particularly hard hit are thousands of Syrian refugees who fled to Lebanon, some of whom are staying in tents near the border with Syria. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Thursday 3 January 2013

(FOTO 2013): Wanita India membawa pelekat sepanduk mereka berarak untuk meratapi kematian mangsa rogol geng di New Delhi, India, Rabu, Januari 2, 2013 . . .

(IMEJ 2013): Wanita India membawa pelekat sepanduk mereka berarak untuk meratapi kematian mangsa rogol geng di New Delhi, India, Rabu, Januari 2, 2013. Mahkamah atas India mengatakan ia akan memutuskan sama ada untuk menggantung ahli parlimen yang menghadapi tuduhan serangan seksual seperti beribu-ribu wanita berkumpul di memorial kemerdekaan pemimpin Mahatma K. Gandhi untuk menuntut perlindungan yang lebih kukuh untuk keselamatan mereka. Sepanduk membaca "India tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan penghinaan wanita dan Kami mahu tidak menghormati keganasan dalam kehidupan." (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Indian women carry placards as they march to mourn the death of a gang rape victim in New Delhi, India, Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. India's top court says it will decide whether to suspend lawmakers facing sexual assault charges as thousands of women gathered at the memorial to independence leader Mohandas K. Gandhi to demand stronger protection for their safety. The banners read "India won't tolerate women's insult and We want respect not violence in life." (AP Phot/Dar Yasin)

Wednesday 2 January 2013

FOTO 2013: Seorang wanita meraikan Tahun Baru menonton bunga api meletup di atas pantai Copacabana di Rio de Janeiro . . .

IMEJ TAHUN 2013: Seorang wanita meraikan Tahun Baru menonton bunga api meletup di atas pantai Copacabana di Rio de Janeiro (A woman celebrates the New Year as she watches fireworks exploding above Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro January_1, 2013)

FOTO 2012: Seorang lelaki ski pasir di padang pasir berhampiran Tabuk, 1,500 km

IMEJ TAHUN 2012: Seorang lelaki ski pasir di padang pasir berhampiran Tabuk, 1,500 km (A man sand skis in the desert near Tabuk, 1,500 km (932 miles) from Riyadh December 27, 2012 (REUTERS, Mohamed Alhwaity)

FOTO 2012: Pejuang Free Syrian Army bersenjata api semasa pertempuran dengan pasukan yang setia kepada Presiden Syria Bashar Al-Assad . . .

IMEJ TAHUN 2012: Pejuang Free Syrian Army bersenjata api semasa pertempuran dengan pasukan yang setia kepada Presiden Syria Bashar Al-Assad di Aleppo Bustan al-Qasr daerah December_30, 2012 (A Free Syrian Army fighter fires his weapon during clashes with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad in Aleppo's Bustan al-Qasr district December_30, 2012)

FOTO 2012: Seorang wanita, melompat mengambil tali dari 144 kaki tinggi . . .

IMEJ TAHUN 2012: Seorang wanita, berpakaian dalam kostum Halloween, melompat mengambil tali dari tinggi 44 meter (144 kaki tinggi) paip air lama jambatan di kawasan Taiga Siberia luar Krasnoyarsk (A woman, dressed in a Halloween costume, takes a rope jump from a 44-metre high (144-feet high) old water pipe bridge in the Siberian Taiga area outside Krasnoyarsk October_28, 2012)

FOTO 2012: Penunjuk perasaan melaungkan slogan mereka dikelilingi oleh polis perhimpunan protes New Delhi . . .

IMEJ TAHUN 2012: Penunjuk perasaan melaungkan slogan kerana mereka dikelilingi oleh polis semasa perhimpunan protes di New Delhi (Demonstrators shout slogans as they are surrounded by the police during a protest rally in New Delhi December_27, 2012)

Thursday 20 December 2012

FOTO 2012: '2 orang terbunuh 15 cedera oleh bom besar meletup di jalan raya di pusat Beirut' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - A wounded woman is carried at the site of an explosion in Ashrafieh, central Beirut, October 19, 2012. At least two people were killed and 15 wounded by a huge bomb that exploded in a street in central Beirut on Friday, witnesses and a security source said.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Seorang wanita cedera dibawa di tapak letupan di Ashrafieh, pusat Beirut, Oktober 19, 2012. Sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang terbunuh dan 15 cedera oleh bom yang besar yang meletup di jalan di pusat Beirut pada hari Jumaat, saksi dan sumber keselamatan berkata.

FOTO 2012: 'Protes terhadap kerajaan utk menuntut perubahan dalam pendidikan D' Santiago' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - Riot policemen arrest a student protester during a protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education in Santiago, September 27, 2012. Chilean students have been protesting against what they say is profiteering in the state education system.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Polis Rusuhan menangkap seorang pelajar penunjuk perasaan semasa protes terhadap kerajaan untuk menuntut perubahan dalam pendidikan negeri awam di Santiago, September 27, 2012. Chile pelajar telah membantah terhadap apa yang mereka katakan pencatutan dalam sistem pendidikan negara.

FOTO 2012: 'Pesawat Israel menghancurkan bangunan kerajaan Hamas di Gaza' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - An explosion and smoke are seen after Israeli strikes in Gaza City November 17, 2012. Israeli aircraft pounded Hamas government buildings in Gaza on Saturday, including the building housing the prime minister's office, after Israel's Cabinet authorised the mobilisation of up to 75,000 reservists, preparing the ground for a possible invasion into Gaza.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Satu letupan dan asap dilihat selepas serangan Israel di Bandar Gaza November 17, 2012. Pesawat Israel menghancurkan bangunan kerajaan Hamas di Gaza pada hari Sabtu, termasuk perumahan bangunan pejabat Perdana Menteri, selepas Kabinet Israel kuasa mobilisasi sehingga kepada 75,000 Pasukan simpanan, menyediakan alasan untuk kemungkinan serangan ke Gaza.

FOTO 2012: 'banjir kilat Gaung di Hells Gate (Gerbang Neraka) Taman Negara di Naivasha' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - The body of a man killed following flash-floods is seen in the gorge at the Hells Gate National Park in Naivasha, April 23, 2012. Seven bodies were recovered after a 53-member youth group from Nairobi encountered flash-floods yesterday evening after heavy rains, while on a tour of the park.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Mayat seorang lelaki terbunuh berikutan banjir kilat dilihat dalam gaung di Hells Gate Taman Negara di Naivasha, April 23, 2012. Tujuh mayat telah pulih selepas sekumpulan 53 ahli belia dari Nairobi dihadapi banjir kilat petang semalam selepas hujan lebat, manakala pada lawatan taman.

FOTO 2012: 'Buffetted’ by Sandy' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - Residents stand over vehicles which were submerged in a parking structure in the financial district of Lower Manhattan, New York October 30, 2012. Major U.S. stock exchanges expect to open on Wednesday after a monster storm shut down their trading for two days. The southern tip of Manhattan where Wall Street and the NYSE are located lost power on Monday after being buffetted by Sandy, the worst storm to hit New York since at least 1938.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Penduduk berdiri atas kenderaan yang telah tenggelam dalam struktur letak kereta di daerah kewangan Lower Manhattan, New York Oktober 30, 2012. Bursa saham utama Amerika Syarikat menjangka untuk membuka pada Rabu selepas ribut raksasa menutup perdagangan mereka selama 2 hari. Hujung selatan Manhattan di mana Wall Street dan NYSE terletak kuasa yang hilang pada hari Isnin selepas ‘buffetted’ by Sandy’, ribut terburuk melanda New York sekurang-kurangnya sejak 1938.

FOTO 2012: Puting beliung tornado membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 12, termasuk 6 di Illinois' . . .

IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - Jordan Youssef salvages a dresser drawer from the remains of her grandmother's house which was destroyed by a tornado in Harrisburg, Illinois March 1, 2012. Powerful storms that spawned tornadoes ripped through the U.S. Midwest on Wednesday, killing at least 12 people, including six in Illinois who were crushed when a house was lifted up and fell on them, authorities said.

IMEJ TAHUN 2012 - Laci almari Jordan Youssef salvages dari tinggalan rumah neneknya yang telah dimusnahkan oleh puting beliung di Harrisburg, Illinois 1 MAC 2012. Ribut yang kuat yang melahirkan tornado mengoyakkan melalui Midwest Amerika Syarikat pada Rabu, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 12 orang, termasuk 6 di Illinois yang telah menghancurkan apabila rumah telah diangkat dan jatuh pada mereka, kata pihak berkuasa.